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Operational announcements


Delays on the Rørosbanen and Nordlandsbanen

On Tuesday morning, a bomb was found in Elverum. Because of this, the Rørosbanen was closed past the site, and the Nordlandsbanen is also affected. 

This causes delays to and from our departments in the North. 

We apologize for the inconvenience this causes for our customers.



Storms in Western Norway and in central Norway

Driving conditions are still difficult in Western Norway and in central Norway due to a lot of rain and wind. 

The risk of landslides and flooding has been reported in several places, and roads, bridges and mountain passes are and can be closed at short notice. Bergensbanen was closed yesterday due to a snow avalanche between Myrdal and Hallingskeid, but reopened last night.

Delays in transport and distribution must be expected until this week.



Storms in the mountainous areas of southern Norway

There are storms in the mountains in several places, and several mountain passes are closed. This will affect the transport to and from our departments in Bergen, Voss, Skei and Haugesund the next day.

We apologize for the inconvenience this causes our customers.



Ski WC in Trondheim 2025

During the Ski WC in Trondheim from 26 February to 9 March, there will be restrictions on driving in the inner city centre.

Delays can occur during this period. 



Fire in the building where we have our terminal at Otta

There was a fire today in the building where Postnord Otta has a terminal. The building is completely damaged, and extinguishing fire is now underway. 

We have now established a temporary operating solution where we will send all shipments that we previously distributed from our department in Otta, via our terminal in Rudshøgda. 

This will mean longer transport time, to and from this area.

We apologize for the inconvenience this causes for our customers  



Delay to the north  

Due to faults on a locomotive, there have been delays in delivery to our departments in the North of Norway.
This will affect today's and the rest of the weeks distribution.
The Dovrebanen is still closed, new update will come 25 February. Estimated forecast for opening is mid-April. 
We apologize for the inconvenience this causes our customers.



Dovrebanen is still closed

Bane NOR reports that Dovrebanen is still closed. The forecast for opening is mid-April at the earliest. There will be a new update from Bane NOR on 25 February.
We apologize for the inconvenience this causes our customers.



Nordlandsbanen and Dovrebanen 

Dovrebanen is still closed and BaneNor will provide a new update on Thursday 30 January. Forecast for opening on Wednesday 5 February at the earliest.

Nordlandsbanen was opened to traffic on Friday 24 January after it was closed due to difficult driving conditions on 13 January. The train goes via Røros since the Dovrebanen is still closed.

Some delay to and from our departments in the North may still occur. 



Difficult driving conditions in southern Norway 

Driving conditions are difficult in several places in southern Norway due to precipitation in the form of snow. Delays in transport and distribution can and will occur.
We apologize for the inconvenience this causes our customers.



Track delays 

Nordlandsbanen is still closed, new update from BaneNor on Thursday 23 January. 
The Dovrebanen was closed last night, new update from BaneNor today 21 January.
There have also been delays on the ARE track due to catenary faults. This has caused major delays to our departments in the North.



E18 Closed 

There was a serious traffic accident at Kragerø yesterday afternoon, and the road has been closed since. This has affected our delivery to the departments in Stavanger and Kristiansand.
We apologize for the inconvenience this causes for our customers.



Nordlandsbanen and E6 in Trøndelag closed 

Nordlandsbanen is still closed, and Bane Nor will provide a new status tomorrow at 12:00. In addition, the E6 is closed in several places between Trondheim and Mo i Rana, due to landslides and flooding.

This causes and will cause delays to and from our departments in Northern Norway this week, and in the future.
We apologize for the inconvenience this causes our customers.



Nordlandsbanen is closed 

Due to difficult driving conditions, the Nordlandsbanen is closed. Bane Nor will provide an update at 12:00 today. There will therefore be delays on this section.
We apologize for the inconvenience this causes for our customers.



Bergensbanen is open to traffic again 

Bergensbanen was opened to traffic late on Saturday evening after the slide between Myrdal and Hallingskeid. We have managed to transport most of the goods, but there will be delays in distribution from our department in Bergen today and the next few days this week.
There are also reports of difficult driving conditions in several places in Norway, after the weather change.
We apologize for the inconvenience this causes for our customers


Bergensbanen is still closed

Bergensbanen is still closed between Myrdal and Hallingskeid after the avalanche on Monday 6 January. Bane NOR announces a new update on Saturday 11 January at 12:00.
We resolve transport to and from Bergen in another way, but there is quite a backlog.
We apologize for the inconvenience this causes for our customers.



Still difficult driving conditions in southern Norway 

There were no trains from the Alnabru terminal yesterday after 17:00 and Bergensbanen is closed due to a landslide between Myrdal and Hallingskeid. 
Bane NOR currently has no forecast for the opening of Alnabru and Bergensbanen.
Train delays will also affect delivery to our departments in the North.
Our departments are doing the best they can to distribute the goods that have arrived, but, as a result, we are experiencing delays throughout this week.

We apologize for the inconvenience this causes for our customers.



Difficult driving conditions in southern Norway 

Due to large amounts of snow and strong winds in several places in southern Norway, driving conditions are difficult. This will affect transport and distribution to and from our departments today and the following days this week.
Several train departures have also been cancelled.

We apologize for the inconvenience this causes for our customers.



Delays due to difficult driving conditions 

There are difficult driving conditions in several places in the country today due to large amounts of snow. Trondheim and Bergen are particularly affected, and this will cause local delays.